A new stage.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

haha pretty fun day todayy. me andrew tiff alex and their friends went laser tag at m9 darling harbour :D haha and officially beat andrew 2 out of 3 games so he owes me another shout now. andd welll not much to say really. going shopping with waynne and vball tmrw. oh and have a cousin staying over for a week at my house >< and soo yehh. im tiredd. 2:42am. soo gnitess

9:38 AM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

okayy soo first of all, this blog post is dedicated to alison and her love with emoticons *cough* so note the extensive use of them :)

today i went to the city at 12 to goo SHOPPPINGGG XD hehe bought a new pair of sport shoes :D but i really want a new pair of casual shoes :( so i don't always have to wear those dodgy orange converse >< and then had a meat deluxe crepe for lunch :L haha. anyways after that i had like pretty much nothing to do so i walked around the city for like 2 hrs and discovered 5 "adult book shops" O_O" LOL and an international wingchun academy XD and this realllllllly cool fountain that i had never seen before :D

then at 3pm had vball training which wass sooo amusing^^ lol we started off with 10 shuttle runs ==" and then 150 pushups (Y) fun. but then, as quoted from david;s fb status " Sooo awkward at volleyball with Michael Wong, Blake Bok Choy Bentley, Andrew Lam & Tristan Chien. Doing and talking about asian squats and then Miss Loi came up to us and explained to us a really weird fitness exercise. Some quotes being: "Then you push up and down here," and "squeeze firmly here." ETC. This was more a...wkward than the condom practical in science." LOL it was soo weird :L and then there was this shot where david was too lazy to dive so he kicked the ball which smacked straight into alain's stomach ^^ and like everyone starting rofling. literally XD and yehh pretty much my day.

and might as well add a few more emoticons ^^
:D :P :] XD D: ;) T___T ==" x__x" O_O" o.o ._. and ceebs to do anymore

7:20 AM

Monday, June 28, 2010

okayy nothing much that happened today, but i'll try recount it anyways. i woke up at 11:45 which is apparently really late according to some people :S and then had tuition at 4pm in which i was supposed to hand in the hw essay. but i started the essay 15 mins before the tuition so didnt finish it. and so didnt hand it in (Y) haha and watched the street of crocodiles short film during the tuition. ITS SOOO MESSED UP O_O" the tutor was even like " prepared to get weirded out" before watching it. if u wanna get scarred for life. watch it :) and OH. and dad came back from india today :D so yayy.

8:46 AM

Sunday, June 27, 2010

arghh sooooo dead x_________x" wasnt bothered to blgo yesterday cuz i was likee soo tired. didnt even go on my comp :O the reason behind all of this is that i was playing baddie from 9am to 10pm (Y) had the baddie comp till 6:30 ish and then went to christine's place to eat leftover pizza...mmmm yummy :9 haha and then training from 8-10. so likee my legs were completely wasted and i could barely walk.a perfect day that alex nguyen would envy so much ;)

and then today..guess whatt? played more baddie ==" but only till from 9am to 12pm ish but i could like barely move afterwards.blerghhh. SOOOOO CLOSE to winning a grade plate thoughh T________T heartbrokennn haha. somehow managed to beat jono low. and then lost to andy chan -sigh- and i was so motivated to win something for once. well and then bought lunch at subwayy. and the lady before took likee years to get her subs ready cuz she made all the workers change their gloves to make her sandwiches cuz her son would get an anyphalactic (spelt wrong probs) reaction from diary products. LOL anyways. friends came over to my place at night and then one guy went back home to study *cough* so i was left with one other guy and we codded the whole night (Y)

8:05 AM

Friday, June 25, 2010

yayyy finally holidays againnn :) relax time
umm NSWBA comp tmrw. and if andrew wins D grade i have to shout him a drink or something. and as for meee im playing A grade singles and B grade singles, doubles and mix :) hoping just to win something in B grade. but chance are im gonna massively fail as usual.
and umm piano teacher raged at me today (Y)
==" matt and shavin somehow found my blog as well so im getting scared.
and im a lazy kid. so not writing anymroee

9:01 AM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

forgot to post for yesterday haha. man im getting lazy already. so not gonna be able to keep up with posting daily :( anyway for wednesdayy my tutor group went out for lunch, period 6 & 7. we went to yutaka, which is this japanesse buffet on bathurst street. haha stuffed myself with soo much food i almost burst. but in the end i won the eat off against michael and will (Y) WINNERRR. but overall massive bludge :) and then todayy was depressing ==" mum was pissed at me. so ignored me for the whole morning. SCARY shit O_O" and then will and alain kept stealing my bag and pencil case and umbrella and phone and aynthing that was mine pretty much, which only made my day better >.> BUT in the end i managed to cheer up mummy so she isnt pissed at me anymoree :D and so i guess i ended being a happy chappy today :) LAST DAY OF SCHOOL TMRW! hehe gonna see if i can get away with not bringing any books to any of my classes XD


7:38 AM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

had athletics carnival todayyy! omgg full bludge of school :D ran in the 100m, 200m, shuttle relay, and longjump. haha BEAT DAVID IN 100M. U SOOO OWE ME A SHOUTT! and then got 29.33 secs for 200m. but LOL my house, FMW totally pwnt the shuttle relay ==" came last ahah we like were doomed as soon as hugo passed the baton to tristan truuvert. and then for long jump -sigh- lost to david and waynne by 0.5 of a cm so now i oew one of them a shout >.> mann but now my legs are likee SOO DEAD x_____x" and my calf cramped up twices during the carnival too. haha and just cos im so cool i ran in bare feet the whole day... in mud (Y)....mmmmm. lol and then waynne and andrew got a lecture from the station manager guy at edgecliff station about how they should buy a ticket or seomthing :S

hahaha and then i had like a massive fun fight with me sister at home :L she was likee bored so she decided to block my door and prevent me from getting to my computer. so we like tackled and tripped and rolled etc etc etc until i finally came out victorious. and i think this lasted for about 15 mins (Y)

anywaysss early tmrw again for dt wood pressing ==" soo gnite

7:47 AM

Monday, June 21, 2010

rawrawrawrawrawrawrawrawrawr-sigh- enoguh ranting. but u get the point. im bored.

yayy athletics carnival tmrw. massive bludge of school XD
and i made a bet with david so whoever loses in long jump has to forfeit our poke war on fb ^^

and that reminds me of another bet i have with andrew and waynne. were all gonna go korean bbq. go for the unlimited option and then keep ordering wagyu beef and have an eating contest >:D hehe and whoever eats the least gets his legs waxed by the winner. im defs no losing that ><

anywayss waking up early tmrw soo goodnightt

7:55 AM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

oops forgot to post yesterday so i'll make up for 2 posts today :L
haha lost 3-0 in my vball match on sat. gawd were noob==" which meant blake didnt shout us maccas T_T lol and felt SOOOO SECURE *cough* in blakes car LOL him and his shifty toyota. ahaha and then had a rather "private" discussion with him when it was only me and him left in the car ;) lol pretty amusing

ad as for today. baddie training as usual. :O alex HATES baddie. SIFFFFF! and then like mapled for pretty much the whole day (Y) aiyaa and then chinese assignment T_T took like a billion hrs to complete with eddy threatening to do something bad if i didnt complete it on time. in which i DIDNT. but he forgave me anyyways. and bad luckk tiff. i actually feel sorryy for you :( and CHEER UP :D remember all that teaching in primary school about being positive? ahaha it might come in handy for once^^
anywayss ceebs to write anymroe now

6:52 AM

Friday, June 18, 2010

omggg LOL at assembly today we heard mr barr singing likee soo loudly into the mic. haha SOO FUNNY XD but hes actually pretty good at singing.

and after like 30 mins of roaming around hyde park with andrew, we FINALLY decided on a place to meet up with alex. so we met up in front of the pool thingo and we talked for like 5mins and we both had to leave ==" pretty awkward too, and josh called, which only made things better :L

anyways gonskis section in cadets like died so we merged into powpow-PALFREEMAN's section to do kayaking. it was SOOO FUN *cough cough* we practised how to capsize in the middle of a river and then get back in using proper methods LOL. such a waste of time. and the water was SOOOOOO FRIGGIN COOLLLD x_________x haha and i had to take the car trip with the corporals. and so they ORDERED me to give them my phone and had to do what the said or they would put my on dp >.> so they played around with my phone for like the whole car trip and i couldnt do a thing ==" such an abuse of power ><

-sigh- school reports came back! came first in class for maths and chinese (Y) and then second last in eng ==" so mum and dad raged and now i have eng tutoring. wow they were like sooo efficient. like 2-3 hrs after seeing my report and now i have eng tutorings every monday at masterclass 4pm.

anywayss gtg sleep MUST WIN the vball match tmrw so my coach will shout the team maccas! :D

8:17 AM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

its been 1 week :)

aiyaa i slept at 2 last night and woke up at 7. 5 hrs of sleep! x_______x yay though had no orchestra today, and aparently its gonna get disbanded LOL its coz were too pro *cough* -sigh- when our conductor told me that there was no orchestra on, he eyes were like really red, so maybe she actually cried about it O_O"

oh yeh and LOL meeting up with alex nguyen tmrw at hyde park. gonna be SOOOO weird and awkward haha.

dad just came in and was like. "UR SLEEPING SO LATE! uve been sleeping at 2 every day now! u cant do this, otherwise u will DIE! O_O" and if u dont die, i'll die..somehow" ahh i love my dad

anyways i WAS originally gonna sleep before 1, but failed T_T 1:42 now. well at least its earlier than last night ^^

7:50 AM

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

-sigh- right now im in the middle of writing my eng essay. and thought i might take a little break. LOL i stayed up till 1 am last night playing minesweeper flags and sudoku too on msn with eddy, and we made bets on every game, so now he owes me 2 shouts :D

and my dodgeball team LOST in the semis to some random 1st formers T______________T NOOOOO! we were soooo close to being in the finals. oh yehh and BAHAHA me, waynne, david, and andrew were setting the new fashion statement in vball today ;)

and YOU SPASTIC LITTLE GIRLS! go spam waynnes c-box instead XD keep mine PG-rated!

anyways im like halfway through my essay and it is.. 12:13am now. so i should probably hurry up ><


7:06 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OMFGG you scared me so much today! ><

-sigh- waynne and david stole my phone again today

and SOMEONE faked tiff to post in my cbox LOL

ahh man i was so productive at school today. i had a double period of maths and i did one question in that 1h2 and 20 mins. haha and the rest of the time i was drawing dodgy pics on wills book and day dreaming ^^

OMG have an eng essay due thursday and im lik practically out all of wednesday. but ceebs to do it today.-sigh- i think i'll just tell the teacher i left the essay at home when the times comes :)

LOL i just realised too that my blog is called "dairyy" i cant even spell diary properly =="

haha well ive been promoted from being a weirdo to being special now o____________o" well i guess its a good thing.

4:54 AM

Monday, June 14, 2010

okay so i was told that a random read my blog and thought i was weird O_O" so i'll try be... less weird in this post.

mum raged at me today coz she caught me skype calling with david aiyaa. and then david said something like, "LOL waynne joined this group on fb called 'if you sext, do you get a phoner?'" and then my mum was like "... are you sure ur doing hw" XD LOL

anyways i woke up today and recieved likee the best txt ever :) NOTHING SUS o.o"

im bored so i'll quote this newpaper article :D

Woman jailed for testicle attack
A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison.

Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage when Geoffrey Jones, 37, rejected her advances at the end of a house party, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

She pulled off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out. A friend handed it back to Mr Jones saying: "That's yours."

Monti admitted wounding and was jailed for two-and-a-half years.

'Pulled hard'

Sentencing Monti, Judge Charles James said it was "a very serious injury" and that Monti was not acting in self-defence.

The court heard that Mr Jones had ended his long-term but "open relationship" with Monti towards the end of May last year.

The pair remained on good terms and on 30 May she picked him up from a party in Crosby and went back for drinks with friends at Mr Jones's house.

An argument ensued and Mr Jones said there was a struggle between them.

In his statement, Mr Jones said she grabbed his genitals and "pulled hard".

I am in no way a violent person
Amanda Monti

He added: "That caused my underpants to come off and I found I was completely naked and in excruciating pain."

The court heard that a friend saw Monti put Mr Jones's testicle into her mouth and try to swallow it.

She choked and spat it back into her hand before the friend grabbed it and gave it back to Mr Jones. Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ.

In a letter to the court, Monti said she was sorry for what she had done.

She said: "It was never my intention to cause harm to Geoff and the fact that I have caused him injury will live with me forever. I am in no way a violent person."

The letter added: "I have challenged myself to explain what has happened but still I just cannot remember. This has caused much anguish to me and will do for the rest of my life."


2:43 AM

Sunday, June 13, 2010

mann im staying up too latee. 2am now and not even sleepy :/ sigh been talking to eddy kuswanto for 1hr and 15 mins on the same topic... hes trying to work out who i like :L.. and the convo is STILL going. and just when i thought i could relax tmrw i remembered that i have my history assignment to do. yay though found out today that im going to the snow in the hols :D snowboarding is gonna be sooo fun! havent been to the snow in 2 years now XD oh yeh and man the u17 dinner was so boring todayyy ==" and then watched "shes out of my league" at leslies place afterwards. OMG SOOOOO FUNNY XD but too bad never got to finish watching it. lol STILL talking to eddy and its 2:22 now and we started talking at 1. and hes STILL trying to find out who i like (Y)

anyways i ceebs to write anymore. soo byebyeee

9:02 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

omg just when i thought i could sleep, i remembered that i had to post something on my blog. -sigh- 1:30 am now and my brain is already starting to shut down so cant think of much to write XD oh that reminds me, didnt the naplan literacy test say something about having my hormones rush at its peak at 1:30 ;) haha anyways NEW CAMERA! pink though. and for my sister ==" haha ran the camera underwater to check that it was waterproof (Y) oh and dad finally got me a new shaver too so i dont have to use his one anymore! LOL my typical asian mum was like "OMG were getting maccas for lunch so we can get those free soccer contour glasses!" but overall still in my seemingly everlasting good mood ^^ and i guess it got even better today.

well FINALLY i can sleep. that wasted 5 misn of my sleep time =="

8:29 AM

Friday, June 11, 2010

hehe still in a good mood :)
and OMFG blogspot is SOO HARD TO USEEE. hmm i dont even know how long im gonna last with keeping up my blog posts daily. i'll probs give up after like 1 week ==" haha my mum was hyper today. she was so happy cos i smiled alot. soo weird! also i figured i should probably start learning how to sing properly. so funny when i tried today XD

first post done.

6:35 AM


&Silly cookie

HARRROO!! TC HERE! This is my awesome/noob blog which i made! JUST DO IT! (nike logo...haha) I go to a school which has gay love, i have friends who like to steal my phone and i play baddie (aka. badminton)I love my banana's and yes I spelt dairy instead of diary, i know..==" But, thats wat makes me awesome and "special" U know you love me, xoxo, Tristan. BHAHAHAHA!! XD
&Utter nonsense

cbox here
&silly friends


&silly life

June 2010

July 2010

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x